About the foundation

Friday April 7th 2017 was a dark day, a day that changed everything for very many people. A day of immense evil, suffering and death, but also a day of resolve from so many; that life, love and light refuses to be defeated by dark forces. Millions of Swedish hearts were welded together and showed that love is greater than hatred. After these events, taking care of each other is the only way forward.
The foundation aims to encourage children, young people, teachers and leaders to create a better everyday life for many, not least those who are bullied, physically or mentally. By highlighting individuals who make others feel better, the foundation wants to help reduce mental health problems that are an ever-increasing problem. The foundation wants to help create positive role models by distributing scholarships around the country. Schools and associations can apply for a scholarship on the anniversary of the event and shine a light on good role models. After a school / association has been approved, they themselves designate who will receive the scholarship ”Ebba’s hearts”.
Your donations to the foundation are of tremendous importance as children, as well as adults, grow tremendously when their good deeds are awarded by, in this case, being granted a scholarship.